Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Importance of Therapy

It's been years since I have written. I have been through my own struggles and sacrifices. But no excuses, let's get back to the important topics. And some topics more important than others. This blog will branch out to other topics once in a while. Pretty much anything on my mind.

                          -Friendly Neighborhood Therapist. 

     I've written on the importance of therapy once before. It seems that the conversation never gets old because not enough conversation is happening. I used to write for a blog; one that I thought would enjoy the conversation. However, I soon came to realize that they only cared about their own voices and beliefs. Again, stifling out the voice of mental health. Mental Health continues to be pushed to the side because it is not important, not going to make you money, does not include any information of our favorite artists or actors. It is not so much an important point as politics, or the hate that is being exposed in our country, or making sure that our voice is heard and opinion made popular so that our own brand of justice is more important than others. One thing that I know for sure; currently our moral compass has been shot. Whatever it is, from lack of religion in schools to negativity being allowed to show its head more freely. More and more negativity, stress, and problems plague us today. So much of it is a problem. That is the definition of a disorder btw… when a problem starts to interfere with our daily functioning.

World, we have a mental health disorder… and we are spiraling into the worst of the mania.

     Being that we are visualizing, discussing, and at times, internalizing the hate that is happening today, taking care of our mental health is more important than ever. Some of us know it, some of us are quietly doing something about it, others see it like eating healthy: I should do it but maybe I'll start tomorrow?  Mental Health is just as important as your physical health. We take wellness exams and yearly checkups to make sure that we are doing well. You can do the same with a therapist. Pop into an office and discuss how your life is going. Organize thoughts and process some feelings. You don't have to have overwhelming anxiety or depression to work with a therapist. You don't even have to go every week. You can work with your therapist on a schedule and a list of goals that work with you. It is harder to get through those issues when you wait longer to get started.

     We currently live in a state where we have more on going stress on us that normal. Adulting sucks guys… I would rather your feel weird for speaking to someone, than end up in crisis. Start in stages.  Try some small coping skills: working out, eating a good meal, hanging with friends. If it seems that your negative energy is not reducing, then seek some help. Really, it's ok.

-Your Friendly Neighborhood Therapist